18-20 June 2024, Alicante, Spain
Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies and services are a possible solution to address the crucial challenges regarding health and social care resulting from demographic changes and current economic conditions. AAL systems aim to improve quality of life and support independent and healthy living of older and frail people. Cameras and microphones have been been applied to diverse AAL solutions, supporting active and healthy ageing, e.g. activity recognition, gait analysis, fall detection and prevention, rehabilitation, social communication, personal assistants, promotion of healthy lifestyles, physiological monitoring, and support to caregivers.
However, cameras and microphones are often perceived as the most intrusive technologies from the viewpoint of the privacy of the monitored individuals. This is due to the richness of the information that this technologies convey and the intimate setting where they may be deployed in. Therefore, solutions able to ensure privacy preservation by context and design as well as to ensure high legal and ethical standards are in high demand.
This conference aims to give forum for contributions presenting and discussing audio-, image- and video-based applications for active assisted living as well as initiatives proposing ethical and privacy-aware solutions.
This conference is organised by the GoodBrother COST Action (CA19121) on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living and the visuAAL Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-Based Technologies and Services for Active and Assisted Living. The aim of these projects is to bridge the knowledge gap between users’ requirements and the appropriate and secure use of audio- and video-based AAL technologies to deliver effective and supportive care to older adults managing their health and wellbeing. They seek to increase awareness and understanding of the context-specific ethical, legal, privacy and societal issues necessary to implement visual system across hospital, home and community settings, in a manner that protects and reassures users; outputs will stimulate the development of a new research perspective for constructively addressing privacy-aware video-based working solutions for assisted living.
We seek contributions that include, but are not limited to:
- Audio- and video-based assistive technologies:
- Lifelogging and self-monitoring
- Human activity and behaviour recognition
- Personal and daily-life assistance
- Gesture recognition
- Fall detection and prevention
- Remote monitoring of vital signs
- Emotional state recognition
- Food intake monitoring
- Mobility assessment and frailty recognition
- Cognitive and motor rehabilitation
- User acceptance
- Awareness and understanding of context-specific ethical, legal, privacy and societal issues
- Privacy-aware technologies
- GDPR requirements of AAL solutions
- Responsible research for older people
- Fair systems
- Best practices for interdisciplinary collaborations between law, IT, care and/or sociology
Submission guidelines
Authors should submit a paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.
Please use the following MS Word template or Latex template for your contributions.
The maximum length of contributions is six pages, including references.
The submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and will be rated according to the fit with the conference theme and the overall scholarly quality.
The selected contributions will be published before the conference in the Proceedings of the Conference and will be made available on Zenodo. Each contribution will have its own DOI.
Important dates
- Paper Submission Deadline:
April 10, 2024April 19, 2024 (extended) - Notification of acceptance: May 3, 2024
- Camera ready: May 15, 2024
- Conference: 18-20 June, 2024
- 18 June: Presentations by researchers in the visuAAL project
- 19-20 June: Presentations by authors of accepted papers
You can download the final programme from here.
Registration is free.
Organising committee
Research group on Ambient Intelligence for Active and Healthy Ageing, University of Alicante
Program committee
- Carlo Botrugno, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
- Ivan Chorbev, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Republic of North Macedonia
- Pau Climent-Perez, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
- Paulo Coelho, Instituto Politecnico de Leiria, Portugal
- Stefania Cristina, University of Malta, Malta
- Carina Dantas, SHINE 2Europe, Portugal
- John Dinsmore, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Murat Emirzeoğlu, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
- Malcolm Fisk, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
- Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
- Andrej Grgurić, Ericsson Nikola Tesla D.D., Croatia
- Nina Hosseini Kivanani, Universite du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Aysegul Ilgaz, Akdeniz University, Turkey
- Mladjan Jovanovic, Singidunum University, Serbia
- Martin Kampel, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Andrzej Klimczuk, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- Petre Lameski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Republic of North Macedonia
- Egons Lavendelis, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Andres Muñoz-Ortega, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
- Rodrigo Perez-Vega, Henley Business School, United Kingdom
- Matthias Pocs, STELAR Security Technology Law Research, Germany
- Peter Pocta, University of Zilina, Slovakia
- Nathalie Puaschitz, VID Specialized University, Norway
- Gianluigi Riva, Universidad Bocconi, Italy
- Albert Ali Salah, Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Nicolas Sklavos, University of Patras, Greece
- Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar, University Politehnica Timișoara, Romania
- Farhana B Sufi, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
- Alexandra Tighineanu, Academy of Economy Studies of Moldova, Moldova
- Güzin Ulutaş, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
- Eftim Zdravevski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Republic of North Macedonia
- …
University of Alicante

This conference is hosted by the Ambient Intelligence for Active and Healthy Ageing research group at the University of Alicante. The University of Alicante (UA) was created in 1979. Today it educates and trains more than 20.000 national and 3.000 international students and offers 43 undergraduate and 80 postgraduate programmes: consequently it is proportionally one of the fastest growing universities in Spain. The University houses 200 research groups in Social and Legal Sciences, Experimental Services, Technological Sciences, Human Sciences, Education and Health Sciences and 15 Research Institutes.

Alicante, on the southeastern coast of Spain, is celebrated for its stunning Mediterranean beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history. Known for its beautiful weather and scenic coastline, Alicante attracts visitors from all over the world, making it a bustling, cosmopolitan hub. The city is adorned with historic landmarks and cultural attractions. The Santa Bárbara Castle, perched atop Mount Benacantil, offers panoramic views of the city and the coastline. The Explanada de España, a palm-lined promenade, is famous for its mosaic of tiles and lively atmosphere, leading to the city’s marina. Alicante’s old town, Barrio de la Santa Cruz, is a charming area with narrow streets, colorful houses, and a vibrant nightlife. The city also hosts various festivals throughout the year, including the famous Bonfires of Saint John (Hogueras de San Juan), just starting after the conference.
More information at https://www.alicanteturismo.com/en/.