28 June 2022, Zagreb, Croatia
The current pandemic has, even more, increased the need to invest in Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies. Thanks to their high potential in enabling remote care and support, AAL has the potential to improve the European healthcare system. However, the success of such technologies highly depends on their trustworthiness and ability to process information in a privacy-friendly manner.
The conference on ‘Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society’, aims to advance the knowledge on critical ethical concepts such as privacy, trust, and transparency of (AAL) technologies, contributing particularly by extending emerging concepts and themes such as privacy-by-design, overtrust, transparency-by-design, and personalized transparency. Moreover, it explores links, overlaps, and solutions between current proposed regulations such as the AI Act and other enforced regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation and the Medical Device Regulation. We invite interdisciplinary approaches spanning the social sciences, legal scholarship, ethics, and research in computing and engineering.
The conference will select extended abstracts to be presented in sessions organized by topics. We welcome and encourage interdisciplinary research and collaborations among researchers active in different working groups. The presentations will be short (10-15 min), followed by a brief Q&A. The focus will rest on the discussions among participants and establishing potential links among ongoing research activities within the COST Action and beyond. The conference will end with a workshop session where participants will be encouraged to draft research agendas for important topics that are currently not well explored. Please note that the conference will take place in a hybrid format, with participants and keynote speakers on-site and online – the organizers will ensure that remote participants will be able to ask questions and provide inputs during the workshop session.
This workshop is organised by the GoodBrother COST Action (CA19121) on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living.
How can we design technology that is privacy-friendly and trustworthy and benefits society?
The topic of the conference is: “Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society”. We encourage you to submit your contributions that combine different perspectives on privacy (enhancement), trust, and automation, which can be applied to different sectors, such as healthcare, education, leisure, or work.
We are interested in contributions that focus on how privacy and trust are challenged and conceptualized through the increased reliance on automated systems and its implications on design approaches. A particular focus can be made on emerging automated systems applied to vulnerable groups such as seniors and children, with AAL technologies (i.e., audio-based and video-based applications to monitor elderly or frail people).
The call for papers includes but not limited to the following areas of interest:
- Research on system trust (i.e., trust between humans and automation) and link to privacy
- Ethical, legal, and societal aspects of trustworthy and privacy-friendly automation
- Empirical studies of privacy and trust of interactive systems
- Design approaches to support system trust and trustworthy design
- Personalization of privacy and transparency requirements and its impact on system trust
- Design for privacy and transparency
- Usable privacy and security and their implications for systems trust
- Overtrust in automation and its implications
- Issues of unequal access to and benefits from privacy-friendly and trustworthy automation among different population groups
Submission guidelines
The extended abstract (max. 1000 words excl. references) must be sent in the PDF format to privacy-conference@goodbrother.eu by 12 of April 2022. The submissions should not be anonymous. You will be notified if the abstract was accepted and if you can present by 30 April 2022.
The submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee and will be rated according to the fit with the conference theme and the overall scholarly quality.
Please use the following MS Word template for your extended abstracts. With the permission of the authors, the selected abstracts will be published before the conference on the COST Action website.
Special Issue at Digital Society
The conference organizers will co-edit a special issue called ‘Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society’ that has been accepted at the journal Digital Society from Springer.
Please note:
- Submitting a full paper to the special issue is optional. In your extended abstract submission email, please indicate if you are interested in submitting a full paper to the special issue.
- If you submit the paper to the special issue, the paper will follow a peer-review process and the acceptance will depend on the results of such a process.
- Presentation at the conference does not require submitting a full paper for the special issue and not participating in the conference does not preclude submitting to the special issue.
Important dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: April 12, 2022, 23:59 AoE
- Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2022
- Camera ready: June 1, 2022
- Conference date: June 28, 2022
(optional) Special Issue dates:
- Full Paper: February 28, 2023 (deadline extended)
Invited speakers
- Opening Keynote on Trust by Esther Keymolen, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
- Closing Keynote on Privacy by Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Organising committee
- Anton Fedosov, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Christoph Lutz, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
- Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- Anto Čartolovni, Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia
The programme of the conference is available here in PDF and PNG.
Conference proceedings
The complete conference proceedings are available here.
Individual papers are available in the list below:
- Liane Colonna (Stockholm University, Sweden). Addressing the Responsibility Gap in Data Protection by Design: Towards a More Future-oriented, Relational, and Distributed Approach.
- Zaira Zihlmann, Kimberly Garcia, Simon Mayer, and Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux (University of Lucerne, Switzerland, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Maastricht University, The Netherlands) A right to repair privacy-invasive services: Is a new, more holistic European approach emerging?
- He Zhicheng (Stockholm University, Sweden) Bridging Law and Technology: Seeing Through Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Assisted Living from the Perspective of EU Data Protection Law.
- Naomi Lintvedt (University of Oslo, Norway) Thermal Imaging in Robotics as a Privacy Enhancing or Privacy Invasive Measure? The Necessity of a Holistic Approach to Privacy in Human-Robot Interaction.
- Zoltán Alexin (University of Szeged, Hungary) Entropy based approach to personal data.
- Adrian Palmer, Rodrigo Perez-Vega, Ruby Zhang and Alex Scher-Smith (University of Reading, UK, University of Kent, UK) Service Robotics Beyond Privacy Concerns: An Investigation of the Role of Learning Abilities on Technological Adoption.
- Ross Cheung; Shreshtha Jolly; Manoj Vimal; Hie Lim Kim & Ian McGonigle (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Who’s afraid of genetic tests?: An assessment of Singapore’s public attitudes and changes in attitudes after taking a genetic test.
- Jessica Megarry, Yu Kao, Peta Mitchell, and Markus Rittenbruch (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) Probing for Privacy: A Digital Cultural Probe to Support Reflection on Situated Geoprivacy and Trust.
- Alain Sandoz & Léa Stiefel (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Trust vs. control: the dilemma between data distribution and centralization.
- Carina Dantas & Karolina Mackiewicz (European Connected Health Alliance, SHINE 2Europe) Are we ensuring a citizen empowerment approach for health data sharing?
- Anton Fedosov, Liudmila Zavolokina, Sina Krumhard, Elaine Huang (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Toward unpacking trust in a local sharing economy community in Switzerland.
- Renata Mekovec & Dijana Oreški (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Competencies for professionals in the fields of privacy and security.
- Suay Melisa Özkula (University of Trento, Italy) The visibility paradox: empowerment and vulnerability in inclusivity processes.
- Anna Leschanowsky, Birgit Popp & Nils Peters (International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) Adapting Debiasing Strategies for Conversational AI.
- William Dutton, Grant Blank, Eglė Karpauskaitė (University of Oxford, UK) Who Cares About Privacy Online?
- Hrvoje Belani, Kristina Fišter, Petar Šolić (Ministry of Health, Croatia, University of Zagreb, Croatia, University of Split, Croatia) Acceptability of m-Health Solutions and its Relationship with Public Trust.
Participants wishing to attend the conference, please contact us by email at digit-heal@unicath.hr. Please register via our registration form on Eventbrite for attendees wanting to participate online. No registration fees will be charged for the conference participation.
Catholic University of Croatia
The conference host is the Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL) – a research unit of the Catholic University of Croatia engaged in analyzing the ethical, social, and legal aspects of digital technologies (e.g., Big data, Artificial intelligence, etc.) used in healthcare.
Catholic University of Croatia is located in the western part of Zagreb at the address Ilica 242, about 15 km from Zagreb airport Dr. Franjo Tuđman. The entrance to the campus is from Domobranska street.
Public transportation
By public transport, it is a 50-minute ride from the Franjo Tuđman airport to Catholic University of Croatia.
An airport shuttle operating between the airport and the Zagreb Bus Station departs every 30 minutes. A single ticket costs 30 kunas. More at https://plesoprijevoz.hr/zagreb/
From the Zagreb Bus Station (croat. Autobusni kolodvor) – 9 tram stops. lines 6 or 2, destination Črnomerec, get off at Sveti Duh
From the Zagreb Central train station (croat. Zagreb Glavni kolodvor) – 8 tram stops lines 6 or 2, destination Črnomerec, get off at stop Sveti Duh.
From the central square – Ban Jelačić square – 6 tram stops, lines 6 or 11, destination Črnomerec, get off at stop Sveti Duh.
In addition to regular taxi services such as – Taxi Cammeo, Eko taxi, Radio Taksi Zagreb – Uber, Bolt services are also available in Zagreb
Parking at the Campus
At the Campus (entrance from Domobranska street) visitors can use the outdoor parking facility, for 4 HRK per hour. Outside the Campus, there is roadside parking with hourly parking rates determined by Zagrebparking (Zone III).
Accommodation and restaurants
Here you can find all information on accommodation options PDF ZIP , and restaurants PDF PNG.
Zagreb – city with a million hearts
“The city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia, on the historic and political threshold between East and West, illustrates both the continental and Mediterranean spirit of the nation it spearheads. Zagreb is the cultural, scientific, economic, political and administrative centre of the Republic of Croatia, and is home to the Croatian Parliament, Government and President. Its favourable location between the Pannonian plain, the edge of the Alps and the Dinaric range has allowed it to become a crossing point for mass international communication. Over the centuries, the city was inhabited by people coming from all over Europe; and, in recent years, by people coming from different parts of Croatia, ensuring a rich cultural life.
Zagreb is a safe city whose doors are always open; a city with a tumultuous history teeming with interesting personalities; a city that warmly invites all those who wish to get to know it, and a city that will surely fulfill your expectations. In this city, you can easily meet remarkable people, make new friends and enjoy special moments. The façades of Zagreb’s buildings reflect the ebb and flow of history, while its streets and squares bear witness to the coming together of the many cultures that have shaped the identity of this laid-back capital. The best thing to do is when you first arrive is to take in Zagreb’s wonderful atmosphere, which, as many claim, is only surpassed by the legendary beauty of the local womenfolk.”