
This page lists publications resulting from collaboration by GoodBrother members or that have been supported by GoodBrother’s activitities, e.g., STSMs, ITC Conference Grants.

Project deliverables

Ake-Kob, A., Aleksic, S., Alexin, Z., Blaževičienė, A., Čartolovni, A., Colonna, L., Dantas, C., Fedosov, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E., Florez-Revuelta, F., He, Z., Jevremović, A., Klimczuk, A., Kuźmicz, M., Lambrinos, L., Lutz, C., Malešević, A., Mekovec, R., Miguel, C., … Tamò-Larrieux, A. (2022). Position paper on ethical, legal and social challenges linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions. GoodBrother COST Action.

Ake-Kob, A., Blazeviciene, A., Colonna, L., Čartolovni, A., Colantonio, S., Dantas, C., Fedosov, A., Florez-Revuelta, F., Fosch-Villaronga, E., He, Z., Klimczuk, A., Kuźmicz, M., Lukács, A., Lutz, C., Mekovec, R., Miguel, C., Mordini, E., Pajalic, Z., Pierscionek, B. K., … Tamò-Larrieux, A. (2022). State of the art on ethical, legal, and social issues linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions. GoodBrother COST Action.

Aleksic, S., Atanasov, M., Calleja Agius, J., Camilleri, K., Čartolovni, A., Climent-Pérez, P., Colantonio, S., Cristina, S., Despotovic, V., Ekenel, H. K., Erakin, E., Florez-Revuelta, F., Germanese, D., Grech, N., Sigurðardóttir, S. G., Emirzeoğlu, M., Iliev, I., Jovanovic, M., Kampel, M., … Zgank, A. (2022). State of the Art of Audio- and Video-Based Solutions for AAL. GoodBrother COST Action.

Aleksic, S., Colonna, L., Dantas, C., Fedosov, A., Florez-Revuelta, F., Fosch-Villaronga, E., Jevremovic, A., Msakniç, H. G., Ravi, S., Rexha, B., & Tamò-Larrieux, A. (2022). State of the art in privacy preservation in video data. GoodBrother COST Action.

Čartolovni, A., Fedosov, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E., Lutz, C., & Tamò-Larrieux, A. (2022). Proceedings of the GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society 2022. GoodBrother COST Action.

Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Proceedings of the Joint visuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on trustworthy video- and audio-based assistive technologies. visuAAL Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action and GoodBrother COST Action.

Riva, G. M., Fedosov, A., Florez-Revuelta, F., Colantonio, S., Lutz, C., Tamò-Larrieux, A., Kuźmicz, M. M., Colonna, L., Lameski, P., Zdravevski, E., Pocta, P., Sklavos, N., Puaschitz, N. G. S., Dantas, C., Metin, E., van Staalduinen, W., & Gürçinar, E. (2024). Trustworthy AAL Design Cards. Riva, G. M., Fedosov, A., & Gürçinar, E. (Eds). GoodBrother COST Action.


Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.) (2024). Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Springer. (in press)

Florez-Revuelta, F., Ake-Kob, A., Climent-Perez, P., Coelho, P., Colonna, L., Dahabiyeh, L., Dantas, C., Dogru-Huzmeli, E., Ekenel, H. K., Jevremovic, A., Hosseini-Kivanani, N., Ilgaz, A., Jovanovic, M., Klimczuk, A., Kuźmicz, M. M., Lameski, P., Luna, F., Machado, N., Mujirishvili, T., … Yazici, Z. A. (2024). 50 questions on Active Assisted Living technologies. Global edition. GoodBrother COST Action.

Book chapters

Aleksic, S., Despotovic, V. & Cristina, S. (2024). Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Behavior Recognition. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Bäckström, T., Ravi, S., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Privacy preservation in audio and video. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Bäckström, T., Ravi, S., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Privacy preservation in audio and video. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Čartolovni, A., Dantas, C., Malešević, A. & Ilgaz, A. (2024). Ethical Issues in AAL. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Colantonio, S., Aleksic, S., Calleja Agius, J., Camilleri, K., Čartolovni, A., Climent-Pérez, P. … & Zgank, A. (2024). A historical view of active assisted living. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Colonna, L., & Riva, G.M. (2024). Smart Mirrors and Data Protection Regulation. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Cristina, S., Počta, P., Zgank, A., & Camilleri, K.P. (2024). Remote monitoring of vital signs. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Jevremovic, A., Aleksic, S., Veinovic, M., & Colonna, L. (2024). Data security in AAL. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Lumetzberger, J., Ballester, I., & Kampel, M. (2024). Fall detection. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Lutz, C., Miguel, C., Mujirishvili, T., Perez-Vega, R., & Fedosov, A. (2024). Social and Societal Issues in AAL. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Salah, A.A., Iren, D., & Kaya, H. (2024). Affective Computing in Ambient Assisted Living. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Santofimia, M.J., del Toro, X., Bolaños, C., Dorado, J., & Colantonio, S. (2024). A smart mirror to your health: Personalized virtual coaching for active and healthy ageing. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Tellioğlu, H. (2024). Integrating Ethics by Design and Co-Design Principles in the Development of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Zdravevski, E., & Lameski, P. (2024). Machine learning for Active Assisted Living. In Privacy-aware monitoring for assisted living – Ethical, legal, and technological aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions. Salah, A.A., Colonna, L., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (eds.). Springer. (in press)

Journal special issues

Rida, I., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Recent Advances in Computer Vision for Assisted LivingImage and Vision Computing, Elsevier.

Tamò-Larrieux, A., Fedosov, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E., Lutz, C., & Čartolovni, A. (2024). Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for societyDigital Society, Springer.

Journal papers

Atanasijevic, S., Jevremovic, A., Perakovic, D., Veinovic, M., & Kuljanic, T. M. (2024). Just-in-time Software Distribution in (A) IoT EnvironmentsMobile Networks and Applications, 1-8.

Batista, E., Lopez-Aguilar, P., & Solanas, A. (2023). Smart health in the 6G era: bringing security to future smart health servicesIEEE Communications Magazine.

Batista, E., Martínez-Ballesté, A., & Solanas, A. (2022). Privacy-preserving process mining: A microaggregation-based approachJournal of Information Security and Applications68, 103235.

Batista, E., Moncusi, M. A., López-Aguilar, P., Martínez-Ballesté, A., & Solanas, A. (2021). Sensors for context-aware smart healthcare: A security perspectiveSensors21(20), 6886.

Chrysanthou, A., Pantis, Y., & Patsakis, C. (2024). The anatomy of deception: Measuring technical and human factors of a large-scale phishing campaignComputers & Security140, 103780.

Cristina, S., Despotovic, V., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., & Aleksic, S. (2024). Audio-and Video-Based Human Activity Recognition Systems in HealthcareIEEE Access.

Despotovic, V., Pocta, P., & Zgank, A. (2022). Audio-based Active and Assisted Living: A review of selected applications and future trendsComputers in Biology and Medicine149, 106027.

Dimitrievski, A., Zdravevski, E., Lameski, P., & Trajkovik, V. (2022). Facilitating privacy-preserving activity recognition in age-friendly environments through low-power devicesProcedia Computer Science203, 693-698.

Eyiokur, F. I., Kantarcı, A., Erakın, M. E., Damer, N., Ofli, F., Imran, M., … & Ekenel, H. K. (2023). A survey on computer vision based human analysis in the COVID-19 eraImage and Vision Computing130, 104610.

Fernández-Bermejo Ruiz, J., Dorado Chaparro, J., Santofimia Romero, M. J., Villanueva Molina, F. J., del Toro García, X., Bolaños Peño, C., … & López, J. C. (2022). Bedtime Monitoring for Fall Detection and Prevention in Older AdultsInternational journal of environmental research and public health19(12), 7139.

Ferre, M., Batista, E., Solanas, A., & Martinez-Balleste, A. (2021). Smart health-enhanced early mobilisation in intensive care unitsSensors21(16), 5408.

Germanese, D., Colantonio, S., Del Coco, M., Carcagnì, P., & Leo, M. (2023). Computer Vision Tasks for Ambient Intelligence in Children’s HealthInformation14(10), 548.

Imran, A., Chaudhary, H., Tariq, M., Ali, Z., Ahad, A., Naqvi, H., … & Pires, I. M. (2024). Brain-Controlled Computer Tasks for Paralyzed Persons: Framework OverviewProcedia Computer Science237, 28-35.

Jevremovic, A., Kostic, Z., & Perakovic, D. (2023). Energy-efficient edge intelligence: A comparative analysis of AIoT technologiesMobile Networks and Applications, 1-9.

Joksimoski, B., Zdravevski, E., Lameski, P., Pires, I. M., Melero, F. J., Martinez, T. P., … & Trajkovik, V. (2022). Technological Solutions for Sign Language Recognition: A Scoping Review of Research Trends, Challenges, and OpportunitiesIEEE Access10, 40979-40998.

Jovanovic, M., Mitrov, G., Zdravevski, E., Lameski, P., Colantonio, S., Kampel, M., … & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2022). Ambient Assisted Living: A Scoping Review of Artificial Intelligence Models, Domains, Technology and ConcernsJournal of Medical Internet Research24(11), e36553.

López-Aguilar, P., Batista, E., Martínez-Ballesté, A., & Solanas, A. (2022). Information security and privacy in railway transportation: A systematic reviewSensors22(20), 7698.

Machin, J., Batista, E., Martínez-Ballesté, A., & Solanas, A. (2021). Privacy and security in cognitive cities: A systematic reviewApplied Sciences11(10), 4471.

Pajalic, Z., de Sousa, D. A., Strøm, B. S., Lausund, H., Breievne, G., Kisa, S., … & Jøranson, N. (2023). Welfare technology interventions among older people living at home—A systematic review of RCT studiesPLOS Digital Health2(1), e0000184.

Stanoev, B., Mitrov, G., Kulakov, A., Mirceva, G., Lameski, P., & Zdravevski, E. (2024). Automating Feature Extraction from Entity-Relation Models: Experimental Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Relational LearningBig Data and Cognitive Computing8(4), 39.

Tekin, H., & Dikmen, I. (2024). Inclusive smart cities: an exploratory study on the London smart city strategyBuildings14(2), 485.

Wang, C., Kumar, T. S., De Raedt, W., Camps, G., Hallez, H., & Vanrumste, B. (2023). Eat-Radar: Continuous Fine-Grained Intake Gesture Detection Using FMCW Radar and 3D Temporal Convolutional Network with AttentionIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

Wang, C., Kumar, T. S., De Raedt, W., Camps, G., Hallez, H., & Vanrumste, B. (2023, May). Evaluation of Different Radar Placements for Food Intake Monitoring Using Deep Learning. In 2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Conference papers

Alexin, Z. (2022). Entropy based approach to personal data. In Proceedings of the GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society 2022, (eds.) A. Čartolovni, A. Fedosov, E. Fosch-Villaronga, C. Lutz, A. Tamò-Larrieux (pp. 18-31).

Bagkratsas, I. M., & Sklavos, N. (2021, September). Digital forensics, video forgery recognition, for cybersecurity systems. In 2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) (pp. 510-513). IEEE.

Ballester, I., & Kampel, M. (2024). Measuring dementia behaviours through depth sensors. In Proceedings of the Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video- and Audio-based Assistive Technologies (pp. 7-9).

Berti, A., Buongiorno, R., Carloni, G., Caudai, C., Conti, F., Del Corso, G., … & Colantonio, S. (2024). From Covid-19 detection to cancer grading: how medical-AI is boosting clinical diagnostics and may improve treatment. In Proceedings of the Ital-IA Intelligenza Artificiale – Thematic Workshops.

Berti, A., Buongiorno, R., Carloni, G., Caudai, C., Del Corso, G., Germanese, D., … & Colantonio, S. (2023). Exploring the potentials and challenges of Artificial Intelligence in supporting clinical diagnostics and remote assistance for the health and well-being of individualsItal-IA3486.

Colantonio, S., Jovanovic, M., Zdravevski, E., Lameski, P., Tellioglu, H., Kampel, M., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2022, June). Are Active and Assisted Living applications addressing the main acceptance concerns of their beneficiaries? Preliminary insights from a scoping review. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 414-421).

Del Corso, G., Germanese, D., Pascali, M. A., Bardelli, S., Cuttano, A., Festante, F., … & Colantonio, S. (2024, May). Facial Landmark Identification and Data Preparation Can Significantly Improve the Extraction of Newborns’ Facial Features. In 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

del Toro García, X., Fernández-Bermejo, J., Llumiguano, H., Dorado, J., Bolaños, C., & López, J. C. (2022, May). In-bed Posture and Night Wandering Monitoring Using Force-Sensing Resistors. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (pp. 28-37). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Despotovic, V., Pocta, P., & Zgank, A. (2024). Self-supervised learning approach for heart sound classification. In Proceedings of the Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video- and Audio-based Assistive Technologies (90-96).

Garcia-Famoso, M., Moncusi, M. A., & Solanas, A. (2021, July). Holistic Approach to Intrinsic Capacity Assessment: An Engineering Perspective. In 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) (pp. 1849-1854). IEEE.

Gilbert, S., Ricciardi, F., Mehrali, T., & Patsakis, C. (2024). Can we learn from an imagined ransomware attack on a hospital at home platform?NPJ Digital Medicine7(1), 65.

Gioia, F., Pascali, M. A., Greco, A., Colantonio, S., & Scilingo, E. P. (2021, November). Discriminating Stress From Cognitive Load Using Contactless Thermal Imaging Devices. In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 608-611). IEEE.

Hosseini Kivanani, N., Vásquez-Correa, J. C., Schommer, C., & Nöth, E. (2023). Exploring the use of phonological features for Parkinson’s disease detection. In 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3897-3901).

Iliev, I., & Petrova, G. (2022, May). An Approach for Improving the Older people’s Perception of Video-Based Applications in AAL Systems–Initial Study. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (pp. 94-101). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Iliev, I., Tabakov, S., & Petrova, G. (2023). Audio-Conversion of Biomedical Signals–A Possible Approach to Improve Remote Monitoring of Elderly and Visually Impaired People. In Assistive Technology: Shaping a Sustainable and Inclusive World (pp. 120-126). IOS Press.

López-Aguilar, P., & Solanas, A. (2021, July). Human susceptibility to phishing attacks based on personality traits: The role of neuroticism. In 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) (pp. 1363-1368). IEEE.

Mujirishvili, T., Fedosov, A., Hashemifard, K., Climent-Pérez, P., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024, May). “I Don’t Want to Become a Number’’: Examining Different Stakeholder Perspectives on a Video-Based Monitoring System for Senior Care with Inherent Privacy Protection (by Design). In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-19).

Mujirishvili, T., Fedosov, A., Hashemifard, K., Climent-Perez, P., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Balancing Privacy and Safety: Stakeholder Perspectives on Video-Based Monitoring in Active and Assisted Living. In Proceedings of the Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video- and Audio-based Assistive Technologies (pp. 37-40).

Nikolova, D., Mircheva, G., & Zdravevski, E. (2023, October). Application of traditional and deep learning algorithms in sentiment analysis of global warming tweets. In International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (pp. 49-61). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Perez-Vega, R., Borguei-Razavi, N., Fisk, M., & Wigley, K. (2024). The Independent Living Project: Challenges and Opportunities in Implementation and the Evaluation of AAL technologies. In Proceedings of the Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video- and Audio-based Assistive Technologies (75-78).

Petrova, G., Spasov, G., & Iliev, I. (2021, September). A Review on Applications of Low-resolution IR Array Sensors in Ambient-Assisted Living. In 2021 XXX International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Ravi, S., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2024). Contextual Privacy Preservation in Active and Assisted Living Using Omnidirectional Cameras. In Proceedings of the Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video- and Audio-based Assistive Technologies (pp. 14-17).

Santofimia, M. J., Villanueva, F. J., Dorado, J., Rubio, A., Fernández-Bermejo, J., Llumiguano, H., … & Lopez, J. C. (2022, May). MIRATAR: A Virtual Caregiver for Active and Healthy Ageing. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (pp. 49-58). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Sklavos, N., Pantopoulou, M., & Florez-Revuelta, F. (2022, August). Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living: GoodBrother Project. In 2022 25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) (pp. 748-753). IEEE.

Villanueva, F. J., Bolanos, C., Rubio, A., Cantarero, R., Fernandez-Bermejo, J., & Dorado, J. (2022, September). Crowded event management in smart cities using a digital twin approach. In 2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

Yazıcı, Z. A., Colantonio, S., & Ekenel, H. K. (2024). In-Bed Pose Estimation: A Review. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), (pp. 154-158).