WG3. Audio- and video-based AAL applications
This WG will bring together researchers and industry working in different aspects of audio- and video-based AAL solutions: applications (e.g. recognition of activities of daily living, fall prevention and detection, human behaviour analysis, behaviour and lifestyle profiling, food intake monitoring, physiological monitoring, rehabilitation, personal assistants), integration with other technologies (e.g. robotics, smart cities, big data), health economics, and business models. This WG will use the guidelines emanating from WG1 and the methods for privacy preservation proposed in WG2 in order to adapt available AAL systems and to develop new AAL solutions compliant with users requirements and the legal regulation.
WG leader
Dr. Sara Colantonio
WG members
Anders Albrechtslund
Aarhus University, Denmark (DK)
Zoltan Alexin
University of Szeged, Hungary (HU)
Aliaksei Andrushevich
Swissiq Gmbh, Switzerland (CH)
Titus Constantin Balan
"transilvania" University of Brasov - "transilvania" University of Brasov Roma, Romania (RO)
Lorena Balliu
Poliytechnic University of Tirana - Faculty of Information Technology, Albania (AL)
- Review the state-of-the-art of audio- and video-based monitoring technologies and potential applications for AAL.
- Study of the economic opportunities of these applications in the Silver Economy.
- Exchange knowledge on different computer vision, audio processing, and artificial intelligence techniques used by the participants in order to find commonalities, which could lead to the development of more robust, accurate and reliable systems. Integrate knowledge from WG1 and WG2 in the design and development of AAL applications.
- Foster the collaboration among participants in R&I projects.
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