WG1. Social responsibility: Ethical, legal, social, data protection and privacy issues
Experts from diverse disciplines will analyse the ethical, legal, data protection and privacy issues associated with the use of cameras and microphones in private spaces, and how to manage multiparty privacy preferences. They will also study the differences according to gender and cultural/societal background in the perception of these issues. This WG will establish the core requirements that AAL solutions must fulfil to consider ethico-legal issues and to integrate privacy by design and by default. Those requirements will set up the guidelines for the technical WGs (WG2, WG3 and WG4).
WG leader
Gianluigi Riva
WG members
Alin Ake-Kob
Nord University, Norway (NO)
Anders Albrechtslund
Aarhus University, Denmark (DK)
Zoltan Alexin
University of Szeged, Hungary (HU)
Panayiota Andreou
University of Nicosia, Cyprus (CY)
Tom Backstrom
Aalto University - School of Electrical Engineering, Finland (FI)
Workgroup goals
- Review the current European and international legislation and the ethical issues that underpin this on the use of audio- and video-based monitoring in private environments.
- Study the differences in the perception of privacy depending on the culture, society, gender and age of the users, and analyse the situations and conditions in later life, i.e. occurrence of a fall, which may affect that perception.Investigate the potential benefits and barriers of AAL technology adoption for people in need of care.
- Support the development of privacy-aware monitoring systems by a continuous exchange of knowledge with technological participants in the Action.
- Promote the consideration of ethical, legal, privacy and gender matters in the design of AAL solutions.Inform other WPs on the ethico-legal requirements in the design and development of AAL solutions.

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